What does your dream really mean? - Yaamuna Aldragen

If you are looking for answers for the bad dream you had last night, I can assure you, those answers are not here. But I hope you will read on anyway, it’s short and sweet.

THE DREAM I am referring to here, is the dream you have when you are awake. It is also known as THE WISHLIST.

Depending on your age, determination and accessibility, perhaps you have already successfully fulfilled some of your dreams. How did you manage to fulfil those dreams? What did you feel after accomplishing them? did you feel satisfied and happy? Did you immediately start to have new entries in your wish list? Did you feel empowered to keep doing more? Did you start loving yourself more every time?

THE WISHLIST is the milestone of your life. The wish list is your want to’s, and not your have to’s . It is what you are striving for to experience as a human being.

If you don’t have THE WISHLIST, or your wish list have not been fulfilled for a while, you might be in a place that you are feeling stuck. (talk to someone around you or get professional coaching to clear the clutter and get you unstuck)

So what does your dream really means? Your dream, may represent some of the following:

    • Your untapped potential
    • Your current values that you are not honouring
    • Your fear in facing your true self
    • Your unfulfilled past experiences
    • Your future self
Fulfill your dreams. Now is all there ever is.

Yaamuna Aldragen

yaamuna aldragen